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Housing Counseling Services are Available

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Certified experts are available to provide counseling services to any New Jersey residents who owns or rents a home. Most services are even available at no cost!

How Can a Certified Housing Counselor Help?

A certified housing counselor is specially trained to assist individuals and households with their financial matters. They assist clients to evaluate options if there are challenges with paying their rent or mortgage. Housing counselors are experts in:

  • Budgeting and savings

  • How to consolidate debts

  • Understanding credit and the credit bureaus

  • Figuring out ways to reduce monthly expenses

Help for Renters

Certified rental housing counseling provides the information needed to be a savvy renter. They will help you understand the full rental process – from how to select the best home for you, to how to navigate your move-out day. Rental counseling sessions will explain tenant rights and responsibilities, how to address complaints, delinquencies and more!

Help for Homeowners

A certified housing counselor will review your mortgage situation and help you understand your obligations and options. They can help you answer questions like, what can you do if you can’t pay your mortgage, what’s the different between refinancing and a home equity loan, are there programs that can help with home repairs?

Meetings with a certified housing counselor are completely confidential and many services are free of charge. They are a valuable resource and available all throughout New Jersey. Click here to find a certified housing counselor near you!


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Housing Help NJ is a program funded through grants from New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund and the NJ Dept. of Community Affairs - Affordable Housing Trust Fund,

and is Administered Through the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey

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