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FAQ for the Renter

Anchor 1

Can I Be Evicted From My Home?

Landlords can now file evictions, however New Jersey households may be protected from eviction or removal at any time for nonpayment of rent, habitual late payment of rent, or failure to accept a rent increase that accrued from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 or December 31, 2021 depending on your income. In order to take advantage of these protections, you MUST file a self-certification, which you can find by clicking the button below. For additional help, call us at 888-691-3002. We will be in touch as soon as possible.

My Landlord is Threatening to Evict Me, What do I do?

Stay in your home. For immediate assistance, call the local police. If you're still facing issues, fill out this form or call us at 888-691-3002 to receive additional assistanceSomeone will be in touch as soon as possible.


If your landlord is threatening to illegally evict you, file a complaint with the state of NJ for a violation of Executive Order 106 by filling out this state form.

What do I do if My Landlord Locks Me Out Illegally?

Call the local police immediately. They are legally required to help you get back into your home. For additional help, call us at 888-691-3002 or fill out the form on our homepageSomeone will be in touch as soon as possible.

What if I Can't Pay Rent?

You can instruct your landlord to use your security deposit to pay rent. You are also able to pay your rent using a credit card. If you are still struggling to make your rent payments, click the link below to see if you are qualified for any NJ State Assistance Programs.

My Landlord Turned Off My Utilities, What do I do?

Turning off utilities on renters for nonpayment of rent is illegal. If your landlord has shut off your utilities in an effort to remove you from your home, you should call the local police immediately. For additional help, call us at 888-691-3002. Someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

My Landlord Will Not Renew My Lease, Can They Do That?

Your landlord must allow you to renew your lease unless they have good cause for an eviction under the Anti-Eviction Act. If your landlord will not renew your lease without proper cause, please contact a housing counselor. Housing counseling and mediation services are typically free. Please call us at 888-691-3002 or fill out the form on the homepage to get connected with a housing counselor. Someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

Anchor 2

FAQ for the Homeowner

Can I Be Removed From My Home Due to Foreclosure?

If you are facing potential foreclosure, contact a Housing Counselor immediately by calling us at 888-691-3002 or filling out the form on our homepage. Someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

What Do I Do if I Can't Make My Property Tax Payment?

If you cannot pay your taxes in full, or you are having difficulties, a payment plan can help. Please consult with a Housing Counselor on how to proceed. Housing Counseling services are free through this program. Additionally, if you are in the arrears with your Property Taxes, you may be eligible for the Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance (ERMA) Program. Learn more here

Contact us at 888-691-3002 or by filling out the form on our homepage to get connected with a HUD certified housing counselor near you.

What Do I Do if I Can't Make My Mortgage Payment?

The Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA) will provide up to $35,000 for:

  • Mortgage arrears;

  • Delinquent property taxes; and

  • Other housing cost delinquencies for eligible homeowners negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


To qualify for ERMA, homeowners must:

  • Be a New Jersey homeowner with a demonstrated COVID-19 related financial hardship occurring after January 20th, 2022;

  • Own and occupy an eligible primary residence;

  • Have an income below 150% of their Area Median Income (AMI).

For more information on eligibility visit their website here or call 855-647-7700.


The ERMA application portal is open now. Click the button below to go to the application.

FAQ for the Landlord

Anchor 3

My Renter Wants to Use Their Security Deposit to Pay Rent,

Can They Do That?

Yes. Executive Order 128 enables renters to instruct landlords to use their security deposits to offset rent or back rent. Renters will not be obligated to make any further security deposit relating to their current lease agreement but would still be responsible for any monies landlords expend that would have been reimbursable via the security deposit.

General FAQ

Anchor 4

What if I Can't Pay My Utility Bills?

The moratorium on utility shut offs ended March 15th, 2022.

If you are struggling to pay your utility bills, click here to see if you are eligible for any NJ Department of Community Affairs assistance programs. You can also contact your utility company about assistance programs and payment plans. If you are unable to resolve an issue with your utility company, you should contact the Board of Public Utilities’ Customer Assistance team by filling out this online form, or by calling (800) 624-0241 and leaving a voicemail.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @HousingHelpNJ

Housing Help NJ is a program funded through grants from New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund and the NJ Dept. of Community Affairs - Affordable Housing Trust Fund,

and is Administered Through the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey


Users's personal info will not be shared or sold to third parties for the purpose of marketing.


Housing Help NJ

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