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Welcome to Housing Help NJ
This website was developed to connect New Jersey renters, landlords, & homeowners to information available from multiple sources to assist in preventing eviction. This program is providing information.
We do not provide
direct financial assistance.
RENTAL ASSISTANCE FUNDS ARE NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. Please visit the Resource Library for information on where you can apply, as well as the NJDCA Division of Housing & Community Resources.
For New Jersey Residents Only.

The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development launched its "Let's Make Home the Goal" campaign, intended to generate awareness of the availability and benefits of pre-purchase housing counseling provided by HUD-certified housing counselors and is designed to reach communities of color that have historically faced more difficulties with the homebuying process due to systemic barriers.
Are you looking to save money on utility bills, conserve energy, or improve the comfort of your home through weatherization? This toolkit will help connect you to the most appropriate resource. It includes various federal, state, and utility-provider ran programs, with a particular focus on services for low-to-moderate income residents, renters, and multi-family properties.
The toolkit is part of the Network’s ongoing effort to consolidate information about subsidized weatherization and energy bill assistance into one comprehensive resource. You can also access the resources outlined in this toolkit in spreadsheet or map form.
To be protected from eviction, you MUST certify right now.
Despite the end of the eviction moratorium, New Jersey households may be protected from eviction or removal at any time for nonpayment of rent, habitual late payment of rent, or failure to accept a rent increase that accrued from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 or December 31, 2021 depending on your income.
In order to take advantage of these protections, you MUST file the self-certification above.
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